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Re: Using Emacs with Kawa

Tony anon wrote:
I'm able to run kawa within Emacs but I'm having a problem with a clash between the Kawa prompt and paren matching in Emacs.

Specifically, when I'm defining a function, a prompt similar to the following appears:


Unfortunately, because there is a left paren in the prompt, Emacs is seeing this and not matching the parens properly.

The prompt is a comment in Kawa's dialect of Scheme, and I believe some other dialects of Scheme. It is also part of Common Lisp. So I assume Emacs should be able to deal with the prompt without getting confused. You may have to so some tweaking to properly configure Emacs for Kawa's variant of Scheme/Lisp. I haven't looked into it - I'm hoping someone else has. -- --Per Bothner

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