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Re: Compiling procedures questions

Crystal, Mayer wrote:

I'm relatively new to kawa (and scheme for that matter) and have a question
about compiling procedures into bytecode and using them in a java program.
The scenario I am coding is as follows:

You've done a good job of figuring out APIs that aren't realy documented or designed for end-users, so it's understandable you got some things wrong.

-  I have created three procedures (which extend Procedure0) and they all
return Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE.
-  I have written a rule of the following form:  (or proc1? (or proc2?
-  I compile the rule into a procedure using the following code:

     * A helper method to compile a String rule into a Procedure.
     * @param rule The string representation of the rule
    private static final Procedure compileRule( String rule ) throws
Exception {
            Scheme scheme = new Scheme( Scheme.builtin() );

Leave out the 'Scheme.builtin()': Scheme scheme = new Scheme();

            scheme.eval( "(load \" + MyProcs.class.getName() + ".class\")"

Loading a class file by name isn't really recommended. The meaning of that is hard to nail down. On the other hand require is better: (require <MyProcs>)

InPort port = new InPort( new CharArrayInPort( rule ) ); SourceMessages messages = new SourceMessages(); Compilation comp = scheme.parseFile( port, true, messages );

Class cl = ModuleExp.evalToClass( comp );

            if ( messages.getErrorCount() > 0 ) {
                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
                sb.append( "Failed compiling: " );
                sb.append( messages.toString( messages.getErrorCount() ) );
                throw new Exception( sb.toString() );

            Procedure p = null;
            try {
                p = (Procedure) cl.newInstance();
            catch ( Exception e ) {
                throw new Exception( "Could not create new instance of rule:
" + rule );

            return p;

The 'p' which is an instance of 'cl' is a ModuleBody. It's not a normal procedure, but the top-level forms of the module.

- The compilation succeeds and is cached.
- I evaluate the rule using the following code:

return ((Boolean)rule.apply0()).booleanValue();

Not sure where 'rule' is coming from. The only one in your program is the parameter to compileRule, which is a String.

The evaluation throws a ClassCastException reporting that I am attempting to
cast my proc1 class to a Boolean.  Did I miss something in the compilation
step?  How do a compile the procedure (and any references it may have to
other procedures) such that after compilation I can call an apply() method
and retrieve the final boolean result?

One machanism is:

(Boolean) (((Procedure) scheme.eval("rule")).apply0())

	--Per Bothner

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