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Re: srfi-1 on long lists?

Marco VEZZOLI wrote:

Maybe we could do a better job by implementing some code in Java?

That shouldn't be needed. This seems to work:

(define (list-copy (lis :: <list>)) :: <list>
  (let recur ((lis :: <list> lis)
	      (result :: <list>  '())
	      (prev :: <list>  '()))
    (if (pair? lis)
	(let ((p :: <pair> (cons (car lis) '()))
	      (next :: <list> (cdr lis)))
	  (if (null? prev)
	      (recur next p p)
		(set-cdr! prev p)
		(recur next result p))))

Unfortunately, Kawa doesn't manage to recognize car and cdr
at compile-time, thus generating sub-optimimal code,
probably because those are defined using define-procedure.
That ought to be fixed.
	--Per Bothner

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