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Change of address for free Kawa software


I've previously advertised to this list some Kawa programs that I've
written. My address has changed: this is to say that the programs are now
available via . To summarise, they

* A pattern match macro. This works like case, but allows you to match
against patterns. Very useful for concise destructuring and testing of
lists and pairs.

* A module-dependency analyser. This reads a Kawa source file, extracts
all the calls to 'require', then reads the files defining the required
classes, and repeats until it has searched all the required modules. As it
searches, it performs a topological sort to get the classes into order of
dependency, and finally writes out a batch file to compile them in that

* A system for implementing dynamic Web pages. This treats the entire set
of pages as a state machine, and makes it possible to have the transition
network - the details of how actions determine transitions from state to
state, and which pages are emitted as a result - all in one place.
Notation for writing the pages is similar to BRL.

Jocelyn Paine
+44 (0)7768 534 091

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