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Re: More tagbody

Are Meisfjord wrote:
(define (test)
  (let ((val '()))
     (letrec ((start (lambda ()
		       (set! val 1)
		       (throw (make <java.lang.RuntimeException>))
		       (set! val (+ val 16))

This doesn't make sense - why the set! and point-c call after the throw?

As you can see I get away with at most one exception thrown per
tagbody (any suggestions on how to get rid of it?)

I suspect you'll have to do some Java coding. Basically, you want to have the code expand to a BlockExp/ExitExp, possibly after optimization. The easiest might be to implement the CommonLisp block and return-from forms, which map pretty directly into BlockExp and ExitExp. If there is some similar form in some Scheme implementation, that might be better. -- --Per Bothner per at bothner dot com

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