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preliminary myenv-kawa.scm file for using Oleg' various Scheme code


I found no match on "oleg" when searching the kawa mailing lists...

Since I gave up on trying to use as-xml/print-as-xml etc., I turned towards Oleg's SXML code.

Here's a preliminary port of his prelude to Kawa:

Things to be done:
o turn the initial (defmacro define-macro into define-syntax
  Then, define-macro can be used in the same file: a single file is left:

o Provide with-input-from-string, with-output-to-string etc.
  I.e. Find out how to redirect current-output-port in Kawa.

Oleg's SXML->HTML writes to current-output-port. Oleg, I have a small suggestion: I don't like such functions - I very much prefer to provide the output port. From my experience with Common Lisp's *standard-output*, locally rebinding it and feature interaction in large packages, it's a bad idea not to accept an output stream as argument: please leave the current output port alone.

So here's myenv.scm for Kawa: (I used myenv.scm and myenv-kawa.scm for the above macro usage problem), also included as attachment:

; 			My Standard Scheme "Prelude"
; Version for kawa-1.68
; $Id$

		; Very Kawa-specific definitions
(defmacro define-macro (bindings . body)
  (if (pair? bindings)
      ; form (define-macro (foo x) body)
      `(defmacro ,(car bindings) ,(cdr bindings) ,@body)
      ; form (define-macro foo (lambda (x) body))
      (let ((rest (gentemp)))
	`(defmacro ,bindings ,rest (apply ,@body ,rest)))))

; currently Kawa documentation states cannot use macro defined by
; defmacro in same file. Oleg's code does this all the time...
;(display "Must also (load \"myenv-kawa.scm\")")
(load "myenv-kawa.scm")

	Jörg Höhle.

Hmm, I thought I had read Oleg's last name somewhere in a file...

Attachment: myenv.scm
Description: Binary data

Attachment: myenv-kawa.scm
Description: Binary data

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