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kawa 1.6.98 problem


The following code yields a "java.lang.Error: attempting to push dead
variable" on kawa version 1.6.98 (precompiled jar), java version

Any ideas?

Thanks, Mirko. 

(define (halves! X)
  (define (f y z)
    (if (null? z) y
	(if (null? (cdr z)) (cdr y)
	    (f (cdr y) (cdr (cdr z))))))
  (if (null? X) (cons () ())
      (if (null? (cdr X)) (cons X ())
	  (let ((y ())
		(z ()))
	    (set! y (f X (cdr (cdr X))))
	    (set! z (cdr y))
	    (set-cdr! y ())
	    (cons X z)))))

Dr. M. Luedde <Mirko.Luedde@Computer.Org>, Godehardsplatz 16, D-31134
Hildesheim, Germany, cellphone +49-179-5252064, homephone
+49-5121-25465, fax +49-89-4902669-21155

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