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problem with simple compiled class

I'm trying to compile the following scheme and access the list from java:

  (define somelist '( "hello there" ))

Here's how I compile that:

  java ... kawa.repl -d . --module-static -C test.scm 

where the ... is the classpath setting and so forth.

The code compiles but when I try to reference it with the following
java code:

  public class test_java

    public static void main (String[] argv)
      System.out.println (test.pagelist);

I get the following error:

  Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: java.lang.NullPointerException
	at test.<clinit>(test.scm:1)

I've also tried this scheme code:

  (module-export pagelist)

  (define pagelist '( "hello there" ))

Again, it compiles ok but I get an error when I try to access the list
from java.

I've also tried compiling to an instance like this:

  java ... kawa.repl -d . -C test.scm 

and then accessing it with the following code:

  public class test_java

    public static void main (String[] argv)
      test t = new test ();

And when I do that I get the following error:

  Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
	at test.<init>(test.scm)
	at test_java.main(

This seems mighty wierd. Can anyone help?

I'm attaching the (static) test.class.


Attachment: test.class
Description: the test scheme code compiled to a class (as a static module)

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