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Re: kawa compilation problems

> I have no idea how stable/solid JDK 1.3.0 is on Mac OS X.

Actually, Kawa (from cvs) was building and running fine for me under Mac OSX
until a few days ago. The error during make is exactly the same as I get
under RH Linux 6.0 on a x86 box:

[snip...] Undefined variable or class name: VoidConsumer
    Consumer ignore = VoidConsumer.getInstance();
1 error
make[2]: *** [java-classes.stamp] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/athene/kawa/gnu/lists'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/athene/kawa/gnu'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

Although I will be doing an OSX page soon, the instructions for building
Kawa (assuming you've installed the OSX Developer Tools) are the same as Per
lists in the Kawa manual for any other Unix. Set up a cvs sessions, cd into
the kawa directory, ./configure (with or without options), make, make
install. As I said, this was working a few days ago, the problem is in the
current cvs code. When the code builds, you can run Kawa from the terminal,
with or with command line flags. You can also jar up the class files or get
the current kawa-*.jar from the kawa ftp site and use OSX version of
MRJAppBuilder to create a stand-alone runtime.

> It would be really cool if someone would port gcj to OS X;
> I don't think that would be too much work, as I think the powerpc
> is more-or-less supported, and OS X should be a lot easier for
> gcj than older versions

This would be really cool, as it would run all Java stuff much faster and
Apple is pushing Java as a platform development language in general. But
this will also benefit those of us that would prefer to use Kawa over other
development environments.

((lambda (args) (display args)) "
    Robert D. Skeels")

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