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Re: Calling java methods from kawa

On Thu, Jun 15, 2000 at 12:23:32AM -0700, Per Bothner wrote:
> Something to try, if you haven't:  Make sure the code containing
> the (invoke-static <foo> 'test) is compiled to class files (using
> java kawa.repl -C bar.scm).

Hmm. After doing some more fiddling with various combinations of settings
and options, I seem to have gotten it working.

When running kawa like: java -jar wherever/kawa-compiled.jar bleah.scm
I get the loading problems.

When I put kawa-compiled.jar into the classpath and run like:
java kawa.repl bleah.scm
I don't. I'll just have to remember to always use the latter, I guess.

> A stand-alone test-case would help.
public class foo {
 public static String test() { return "Testing"; }

(display (invoke-static <foo> 'test))

Shawn Wagner

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