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Re: Bug

"Dr. Gil de Lamadrid" <> writes:
> Yoou probably already know about this bug, although I was having trouble
> finding it in your archive.  I am running kawa un Windows 98 using the jdk
> with Java Workshop.  I start up the repl  from the DOS prompt, and after a
> few evaluations, the repl hangs.  From reading your archive, I wonder if
> this is the problem with the threads which is discussed, concerning the GUI.

No, it does not sound like the same problem.  I am not aware of this bug.
My first inclination would be to blame Java Workshop, but there could be
some other problem.  Specifically, the class gnu.bytecode.SysInPort
is somewhat fragile.

> In any case, is there a fix?

None known.  However, it may be worth trying to replace:

  private static InPort systemInPort = new SysInPort (, "<stdin>",

in gnu/mapping/ with:

  private static InPort systemInPort = new TtyInPort (, "<stdin>",

That may cause problems with the GUI window, but should make the basic
stand-alone repl in a DOS prompt more robust.

	--Per Bothner
Cygnus Solutions