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Re: Can't debug x86_64 C++ programs.

I really appreciate all the time you've spent helping me, especially as it is getting more and more likely that something is wrong with the environment in which I compiled Insight, rather than with Insight's source code.

But I still don't know how to find out what was wrong.

Keith Seitz wrote:
setup_architecture_data is called twice, once on startup (in which case the architecture is i386 w/50 registers) and then once after "file" command is issued (when the arch changes to i386:x86_64 w/58 registers) -- at least it is in my copy. You might be seeing an old bug?

I have the lines you quoted in insight-6.8\gdb\gdbtk\ChangeLog-2007. I don't know how to be certain I have the correction that goes with it. But in regwin.itb, in RegWin::arch_changed it does call gdb_reg_arch_changed

However, I am quite sure:
1) setup_architecture_data is called only once (directly from Gdbtk_Register_Init)
2) (Before my kludge to allocate excess memory in setup_architecture_data) regformat did overflow corrupting regtype

I'm still not sure I understand how the call to setup_architecture_data when the architecture changes is supposed to occur.

Much to my surprise, debugging the broken Insight inside the broken Insight is moderately practical, so ...

I set a breakpoint inside architecture_changed_event (in gdb-events.c) on the line
if (!current_event_hooks->architecture_changed)
and I verified that current_event_hooks->architecture_changed is equal to zero, so architecture_changed_event does nothing.

I expect that is where the second call to setup_architecture_data is supposed to happen, so current_event_hooks->architecture_changed is not supposed to be zero, so now I have to search/guess for the code that is supposed to set current_event_hooks->architecture_changed to something nonzero.

Can you confirm that current_event_hooks->architecture_changed is supposed to be nonzero at that point and would be the path to setup_architecture_data if it were working?

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