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Re: Questioning the withdom of bundling gdb and insight

середа 17 травень 2006 13:55, Keith Seitz написав:
> I don't have a problem with making insight-only snapshots available. Of
> course, IMO, anonymous CVS is always available to do this.

I don't realy care for snapshots as I don't intend my port for people working 
ON insight/gdb -- only for those working WITH it.

But I'd like the released pieces to be available by themselves -- without the 
accompanying other stuff, that's already ported and available.

I made my own tarball with gdb/gdbtk and libgui -- it is under a megabyte 

If you feel, the users should be able to download everything needed from one 
location, you can add your server to the list of Tcl/Tk and Itcl/Itk 
mirrors :-)



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