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"Local Variables" window broken on MIPS?


I'm having problems with insight 6.0 release and as well with snapshot
20030516. When debugging c++ programs, the "Local Variables" button
(or CTRL-L) opens an empty window. On the other side, when I'm hovering
with mouse over the variables in the Source Window, the values in the
balloon window appear ok. Insight is configured as --host=i686-pc-linux-gnu
--target=mipsel-vr4100-elf. Natively, everything works well.

At first, there was a "local variables" issue with gdb 5.3 and 6.0
(configured exactly as Insight, for MIPS target) when debugging c++ programs.
For the fragments of code like this one:

  for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
     int j;
     j = i*N + i;

trying to print 'i' or 'j' resulted in <<No symbol "i" in current context>>
error. I found a simple fix for that and applied it to insight source tree.
This enabled insight to print correct values while hovering over them or
adding them to the Watch window, but "Local Variables" button is still
broken. That surprises me because I assumed that the hovering over the
variable in Insights' GUI calls the same gdb internal functions as, for
example, typing "print var" in console. So, I assumed that pressing the
"Local Variables" button would trigger the same piece of code as typing
"info locals" in console...
But "info locals" works very well, while Insight shows an empty window.

Can someone please point me to the gdb function(s) called when the
"Local Variables" button is pressed, or explain to me how actually Insight
communicates with gdb? I suspect that my fix for gdb isn't complete, and that
there still may be broken parts of gdb that I'm unaware of. Maybe
"Local Variables" button hits one of these parts?

Regards, Ivan Horvat.

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