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Re: Output of printf command

On Mon, 28 Jan 2002, David Mc Kenna wrote:

> Having compiled Insight/GDB 5.1.1 I am experiencing a problem.
> When I try to run GDB, Insight with -nw , and executed a simple hello world
> program, Hello world gets printed in the GDB console. When I run Insight GUI
> with the same program, the output does not get printed. Could this be because
> when I launch Insight that no "hooks" are left in my console window, i.e. I
> can execute new commands in my bash shell. If so how do I fix this? When I run
> the program I get a message in the console window of Insight ( View/Console)
> that the program has exited normally.

What does gdb -v say? (Need to know host and target)

In general, if you are using Insight on unix, all terminal i/o will go to
the controlling terminal (and yes, you must have one, so you cannot
background Insight in this case). Alternatively, you could use the Run
button and File->Target Settings... to select "Use xterm as inferior's
tty". Then you should be able to use Insight without a cntrolling

On Windows, you'll get the command shell when you your application, so
that will behave the same as the "use xterm for inferior's tty" case for
unix. (I think! ;-)


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