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Re: Windows Error when I want to start arm-elf-gdb


I too am running into the same problem as described in the mailing list
about the Windows error when starting arm-elf-gdb. This is using Insight 5.0
with the insight-tcl.pat patch applied. As instructed in the preceding
emails, I went to check the version number under /src/gdb/gdbtk/ChangeLog,
but I do not have this file, nor the gdbtk directory off the gdb or
insight-5.0 directories. Here are the offending lines in the version of
main.tcl that I have, if this is of any help:

if {![find_iwidgets_library]} {
  tk_messageBox -title Error -message "Could not find the Iwidgets
Got nameofexec: [info nameofexecutable]
Error(s) were: \n$errMsg" \
      -icon error -type ok

Kyle Loudon

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