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Re: Tcl/Tk update on the upgrade...

Phil Edwards wrote:
> This was a common practice for me, too, until a few days ago.  Since then
> the tcl/tk/tix builds have been breaking with either ranlib not recognizing
> the .so file format (???), or more recently,
>     rm -f
>     gcc -pipe -shared -o tk3d.o [... bunch of object files ...]
>     -Wl,-rpath,/home/pme/build/install-2001-09-21/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib
>     -L/home/pme/build/install-2001-09-21/lib -ltclstub8.3 -L/usr/X11R6/lib
Hmmmm, looks like this line should point to the build directory. I.E. it should
probably read -L/home/pme/build/build-2001-09-21/tcl/unix -ltclstub8.3

> libtclstub8.3.a is right over in ../../tcl/unix.  Why isn't that being
> searched?  Why am I the only one seeing this?  :-)

So far I've not seen it or heard of it from anybody else.  I'm not sure
why ../../tcl/unix isn't being searched.  But I'll try and find out....

What options are you running configure with?


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