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Insight Developer type people.


I've been working on something now for a while. We might be looking
for some assistance with finishing a custom Insight port.  (The main
port is done *NOW* using an earlier snapshot version of insight but,
there's a varity of things that still need to be done.)

1) Who at Red Hat do I contact about contract work on Insight?
   I'd like a phone number of a human.

2) Are there any contractors types out there who are available to do
   contract work on insight. (Even better if you are in the southern
   New Jersey. See our web site for a more detailed location)
This involves a full simulation of a custom risc cpu, custom mmu,
etc. Simulated LCD display, and other tid bits (of course, Insight is
current debugger/simulator for the SDK, gcc is the compiler, but not
gas or ld - they did not have the feature set we needed)


for more info about what we do, and what I've been working on please
see our web site.,3679,2596552,00.html

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