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Re: ide_initialize_paths failed: Can't find the GUI Tcl

Brandon Metcalf wrote:
> Just finished installing the 19991213 snapshot of insight and I'm getting
> the following error...


> warning: Unrecognized range check setting: "auto; currently off"
> ide_initialize_paths failed: Can't find the GUI Tcl library in the
> following directories:
>     /nms/tools/packages/insight/0010-19991213/SunOS/share/cygnus/gui
> /nms/tools/packages/insight/0010-19991213/share/cygnus/gui
> /nms/tools/packages/insight/0010-19991213/common/libgui/library
> /nms/tools/packages/insight/0010-19991213/SunOS/share/cygnus/ide
> /nms/tools/packages/insight/0010-19991213/share/cygnus/ide
> /nms/tools/packages/insight/0010-19991213/common/libide/library

Don't worry -- you're starting it properly. Invoking "gdb" will start
Insight by default (unless gdb was built without Insight, that is). 

It's been a little while, but let me see if I can't give you a push in
the right direction... It looks like you are running this from an
installed toolchain, so does the directory "INSTALLDIR/share/cygnus/gui"
exist? This directory should contain a lot of generic GUI code (all tcl

$ ls share/cygnus/gui/
advice.tcl    cframe.tcl    hooks.tcl      multibox.tcl     prefs.tcl   
balloon.tcl   combobox.tcl  internet.tcl   pane.tcl         print.tcl   
bbox.tcl      debug.tcl     lframe.tcl     panedwindow.tcl  sendpr.tcl  
bgerror.tcl   def.tcl       list.tcl       parse_args.tcl   tclIndex    
bindings.tcl  font.tcl      looknfeel.tcl  path.tcl         toolbar.tcl 
canvas.tcl    gensym.tcl    menu.tcl       pkgIndex.tcl     topbind.tcl
center.tcl    gettext.tcl   mono.tcl       postghost.tcl    tree.tcl
Is the environment variable CYGNUS_GUI_LIBRARY set? If it is and it is
pointing to la-la land, I guess that could cause problems.
(Alternatively, you could attempt to set this variable to the location
of this directory and see what happens...)

Please let us know what happens (or if you resolved this already).

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