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scheme-lock.el: fancy highlighting for Scheme code in XEmacs

 It works.  I don't think I've set the font lock keywords correctly; I
 just learned about `font-lock-defaults', and have not studied into it
 yet.  This won't work in GNU Emacs, and I think that's why.  Anyone

 (require 'scheme)
 (require 'scheme-lock)

 `M-x customize-group scheme-lock'

;;; scheme-lock.el --- Configurable font locking for Scheme code

;; Copyright (C) 1998,2000 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; Author: Karl M. Hegbloom <>
;; Keywords: faces, languages, matching, scheme

;; This file is part of XEmacs.

;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
;; 02111-1307, USA.

;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF

;;; Commentary:

;; Redefine the scheme-font-lock-keywords on the fly, using `custom'.

;;; Code:

(require 'regexp-opt)
(require 'font-lock)

(defgroup scheme-lock nil
  "Font lock keywords for Scheme codes."
  :group 'faces)

(defface font-lock-macro-name-face
  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "brown" :bold t)))
  "Face for highlighting Scheme and Lisp macro names in definitions."
  :group 'scheme-lock)

(defface font-lock-underline-face
  '((t (:underline t)))
  "Mixin face for underlining things."
  :group 'scheme-lock)

(defvar scheme-lock-function-keywords

(defvar scheme-lock-macro-keywords

(defvar scheme-lock-class-keywords

(defvar scheme-lock-control-structure-keywords

(defvar scheme-lock-extra-highlighting-sexps
  (let ((fixme-todo  (concat "\\(?:"
			         "[Ff][Ii][Xx] ?\\(?:[Mm][Ee]\\)?"
			         "[Tt][Oo][ -_]?[Dd][Oo]"
	(problem-exercise (concat "\\(?:"
    `(("David Fox <> for SOS/STklos class specifiers."
       "\\<<\\sw+>\\>" . font-lock-type-face)
      ("Scheme `:' keywords as references."
       "\\<:\\sw+\\>" . font-lock-reference-face)
      ("`(define-module (mod1 mod2 ...)"
       "(\\(define-module\\)[ 	]+(\\([^)]+\\))"
       (1 font-lock-preprocessor-face)
       (2 font-lock-type-face t))
      ("Second line of above."
       ":use-module[ 	]+(\\([^)]+\\))"
       (1 font-lock-type-face))
      ("(use-modules (ice-9 ilisp))"
       "(\\(use-modules\\)[ 	]+(\\([^)]+\\))"
       (1 font-lock-preprocessor-face)
       (2 font-lock-type-face t))
      ("optional args"
       "#&\\(?:\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\>" . font-lock-reference-face)
      ("Bolden the dot in dotted lists"
       "\\<\\.\\>" . bold)
      ("Todo items, boxes, etc."
       ;; +-------+
       ;; | Fixme |  <--- Highlights this whole box, and...
       ;; +-------+
       ;; Problem: 3.42        <-- colon and sharp optional
       ;; Exercise: #4.2.1         also works inside a box.
       ,(concat ";+[ \t]+"
		  "\\("					   ; 1
		    "\\([:|#]+[ \t]*\\)?"		   ; 2
		      "\\("				   ; 3
		      "\\("				   ; 4
		        problem-exercise ":*"
		      "\\("				   ; 5
		        "[ \t]+#?[ \t]*"
		    "\\([:|#]+\\)?"			   ; 6
       (1 font-lock-warning-face t t)
       (2 font-lock-warning-face t t)
       (3 font-lock-warning-face t t)
       (4 font-lock-preprocessor-face t t)
       (5 font-lock-reference-face t t)
       (6 font-lock-warning-face t t)

(defun scheme-lock-set-keywords-internal (var val)
  (set-default var val)
  (setq scheme-font-lock-keywords
	(append (list
		 (when scheme-lock-macro-keywords
		   (list (concat "(\\("
				 (regexp-opt scheme-lock-macro-keywords)
				 "\\)[ \t]+(?\\(\\sw+\\)?")
			 '(1 font-lock-keyword-face)
			 '(2 font-lock-macro-name-face nil t)))
		 (when scheme-lock-class-keywords
		   (list (concat "(\\("
				 (regexp-opt scheme-lock-class-keywords)
				 "\\)[ \t]+(?\\(\\sw+\\)?")
			 '(1 font-lock-keyword-face)
			 '(2 font-lock-type-face nil t)))
		 (when scheme-lock-function-keywords
		   (list (concat "(\\("
				 (regexp-opt scheme-lock-function-keywords)
				 "\\)[ \t]+(?\\(\\sw+\\)?")
			 '(1 font-lock-keyword-face)
			 '(2 font-lock-function-name-face nil t)))
		 (when scheme-lock-control-structure-keywords
		   (cons (concat "(\\("
				 (regexp-opt scheme-lock-control-structure-keywords)
		(mapcar #'cdr scheme-lock-extra-highlighting-sexps)
    for buf in (buffer-list)
    if (with-current-buffer buf
	 (memq major-mode '(scheme-mode inferior-scheme-mode)))
    do (with-current-buffer buf
	 (when font-lock-mode 
	   (font-lock-mode 0)
	   (font-lock-mode 1)))))

(defcustom scheme-lock-function-keywords
  "Keywords that introduce functions.
The next symbol will be highlighted in `font-lock-function-name-face'."
  :type '(repeat (string :tag ""))
  :set #'scheme-lock-set-keywords-internal
  :group 'scheme-lock)

(defcustom scheme-lock-macro-keywords
  "Keywords that introduce macros.
The next symbol will be highlighted in `font-lock-macro-name-face'."
  :type '(repeat (string :tag ""))
  :set #'scheme-lock-set-keywords-internal
  :group 'scheme-lock)

(defcustom scheme-lock-class-keywords
  "Keywords that introduce classes."
  :type '(repeat (string :tag ""))
  :set #'scheme-lock-set-keywords-internal
  :group 'scheme-lock)

(defcustom scheme-lock-control-structure-keywords
  "Keywords for control structures."
  :type '(repeat (string :tag ""))
  :set #'scheme-lock-set-keywords-internal
  :group 'scheme-lock)

;; These need to be able to have embedded comments.
(defcustom scheme-lock-extra-highlighting-sexps
  "Font locking keywords sexps to do extra highlighting."
  :type '(repeat (cons (string :tag "Comment")
		       (sexp :tag "Sexp")))
  :set #'scheme-lock-set-keywords-internal
  :group 'scheme-lock)

(provide 'scheme-lock)
;;; scheme-lock.el ends here

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