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Re: New module system wishlist

Neil Jerram <> writes:

>    * cleanliness:
>      A module should be able to be totally clean.  There should be no
>      need to have *any* extra bindings in a module (a la
>      %module-interface or `define-module').
> What is the define-module binding for in the current module system?

It creates a "temporary" module.  I think that define-module
should be removed or it should be extended so that it creates
a real (permanent) module.

> Sorry, I don't understand this at all.  Could you explain further?

Check out my module patch and type this:

(module-open )

Now try to leave the current module and return to the
config module. (yes, a "killall guile" issued from another
console still works, but that's not exactly user 

Two solutions:

1) Always create a repl per module and let the user get back to the
config module by pressing Control-D

2) Use only one repl and introduce special ",xxx" commands which will
be interpreted by the repl.


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