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Re: multistring.el

Tom Burdick <> writes:

> On 17 Jan 2000, Greg J. Badros wrote:
> > Is TeXInfo line-based?  I.e., would those missing newlines cause it
> > trouble?
> Yes.  This:
>  @section Some Section
>  Blah blah paragraph one blah blah.
>  Blah blah paragraph two blah blah.
> Is different from:
>  @section Some Section
>  Blah blah paragraph one blah blah.
>  Blah blah paragraph two blah blah.

In what regard is the latter different from the first?
The only time texinfo cares about the spaces is for paragraph
boundaries -- an empty newline starts a new paragraph, just like
in TeX.
	-- forcer

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