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streams (aka sequences, aka lazy lists)

well, I'm sure everybody here went through the (brief) stage when he
implemented something like this for himself.

the abstraction is useful anyway, I think, so here it goes.  the less
wheels are there for people to invent, the better ;).

;;; streams.scm --- general lazy streams
;; -*- Scheme -*-
;; this code is in public domain.

;; the basic stream operations are inspired by
;; (i.e. ripped off) Scheme48's `stream' package,
;; modulo stream-empty? -> stream-null? renaming.

(define-module (util streams))

(export make-stream
        stream-car stream-cdr stream-null?
        list->stream vector->stream port->stream
        stream->list stream->reversed-list
        stream->list&length stream->reversed-list&length
        stream-fold stream-for-each stream-map)

;; Use:
;; (make-stream producer initial-state)
;;  - PRODUCER is a function of one argument, the current state.
;;    it should return either a pair or an atom (i.e. anything that
;;    is not a pair).  if PRODUCER returns a pair, then the car of the pair
;;    is the stream's head value, and the cdr is the state to be fed
;;    to PRODUCER later.  if PRODUCER returns an atom, then the stream is
;;    considered depleted.
;; (stream-car stream)
;; (stream-cdr stream)
;; (stream-null? stream)
;;  - yes.
;; (list->stream list)
;; (vector->stream vector)
;;  - make a stream with the same contents as LIST/VECTOR.
;; (port->stream port read)
;;  - makes a stream of values which are obtained by READing from PORT.
;; (stream->list stream)
;;  - returns a list with the same contents as STREAM.
;; (stream->reversed-list stream)
;;  - as above, except the contents are in reversed order.
;; (stream->list&length stream)
;; (stream->reversed-list&length stream)
;;  - multiple-valued versions of the above two, the second value is the
;;    length of the resulting list (so you get it for free).
;; (stream->vector stream)
;;  - yes.
;; (stream-fold proc init stream0 ...)
;;  - PROC must take (+ 1 <number-of-stream-arguments>) arguments, like this:
;;    (PROC car0 ... init).  *NOTE*: the INIT argument is last, not first.
;;    I don't have any preference either way, but it's consistent with
;;    `fold[lr]' procedures from SRFI-1.  PROC is applied to successive
;;    elements of the given STREAM(s) and to the value of the previous
;;    invocation (INIT on the first invocation).  the last result from PROC
;;    is returned.
;; (stream-for-each proc stream0 ...)
;;  - like `for-each' we all know and love.
;; (stream-map proc stream0 ...)
;;  - like `map', except returns a stream of results, and not a list.

;; Code:

(define (make-stream m state)
    (let ((o (m state)))
      (if (pair? o)
	  (cons (car o)
		(make-stream m (cdr o)))

(define (stream-car stream)
  (car (force stream)))

(define (stream-cdr stream)
  (cdr (force stream)))

(define (stream-null? stream)
  (null? (force stream)))

(define (list->stream l)
   (lambda (l) l)

(define (vector->stream v)
   (let ((len (vector-length v)))
     (lambda (i)
       (or (= i len)
           (cons (vector-ref v i) (+ 1 i)))))

(define (stream->reversed-list&length stream)
  (let loop ((s stream) (acc '()) (len 0))
    (if (stream-null? s)
        (values acc len)
        (loop (stream-cdr s) (cons (stream-car s) acc) (+ 1 len)))))

(define (stream->reversed-list stream)
   (lambda () (stream->reversed-list&length stream))
   (lambda (l len) l)))

(define (stream->list&length stream)
   (lambda () (stream->reversed-list&length stream))
   (lambda (l len) (values (reverse! l) len))))

(define (stream->list stream)
  (reverse! (stream->reversed-list stream)))

(define (stream->vector stream)
   (lambda () (stream->reversed-list&length stream))
   (lambda (l len)
     (let ((v (make-vector len)))
       (let loop ((i 0) (l l))
         (if (not (null? l))
               (vector-set! v (- len i 1) (car l))
               (loop (+ 1 i) (cdr l)))))

(define (stream-fold f init stream . rest)
  (if (null? rest) ;fast path
      (let loop ((stream stream) (r init))
        (if (stream-null? stream)
            (loop (stream-cdr stream) (f (stream-car stream) r))))
      (let loop ((streams (cons stream rest)) (r init))
        (if (or-map stream-null? streams)
            (loop (map stream-cdr streams)
                  (apply f (let recur ((cars (map stream-car streams)))
                             (if (null? cars)
                                 (list r)
                                 (cons (car cars)
                                       (recur (cdr cars)))))))))))

(define (stream-for-each f stream . rest)
  (apply stream-fold
         (lambda (elt _) (f elt))
         stream rest))

(define (stream-map f stream . rest)
  (if (null? rest) ;fast path
      (make-stream (lambda (s)
                     (or (stream-null? s)
                         (cons (f (stream-car s)) (stream-cdr s))))
      (make-stream (lambda (streams)
                     (or (or-map stream-null? streams)
                         (cons (apply f (map stream-car streams))
                               (map stream-cdr streams))))
                   (cons stream rest))))

(define (port->stream port read)
  (make-stream (lambda (p)
                 (let ((o (read p)))
                   (or (eof-object? o)
                       (cons o p))))

;;; streams.scm ends here

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