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Re: Is guile byte-code compiled?

Mikael Djurfeldt <> writes:

> forcer <> writes:
> > I *think* the problem is call-with-current-continuation. I gather
> > it does stack-copying in guile, while in Scheme48 they might have
> > a saner implementation (probably since they don't have to handle
> > C code), but i'm not too sure here.
> Well, we've found the dog.  It isn't very fair to compare interpreter
> performance using call/cc as the test.  :)

Yep. Especially considering guile's C-boundness, while Scheme48
is only required to handle Scheme.

I was just doing some tests with my implementation of amb, and
was annoyed about how slow guile is there. But i guess there's
not much to do :]
> You're right that Guile is forced to do stack-copying (although it
> might actually be possible to do less copying if we easily could
> determine where the current continuation and the one to call "split").

Can't that information be added to the continuation at call/cc-time?

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