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Re: Scheme style auto-resizing hashtable (fwd)

On Wed, 18 Nov 1998, Jay Glascoe wrote:

> The source code, a makefile, and test scripts are available at

After losing face on the whole destructive consumers issue, I decided to
rename the hash tables from "hash-table" to simply "table".

16 useful procedures, not counting the 'v'/'q'/'x' variations.

	*** predicate: ***

table? object
    your basic predicate.  Caution: this is not 100% fool-proof.

	*** constructors: ***

make-tablex user-equal? user-hasher

	*** translators: ***

list->table list [wrapper]
list->tablev list [wrapper]
list->tableq list [wrapper]
list->tablex list user-equal? user-hasher [wrapper]
    return a table with key-value pairs (wrapper list-element)
    "wrapper" defaults to identity.
    (wrapper list-element) must be a pair for all list-elements.
	Think of these as list object methods; the list argument
    should appear first.
    ;;    Useful applications of this method include:
    ;; (define keys->table
    ;;   (lambda (keys) (list->table keys (lambda x x))))

table->list table [unwrapper]
    return a list with elements (unwrapper key-value-pair)
    for all key-value pairs in table "table".
    "unwrapper" defaults to identity.
    ;;    Useful applications of this method include:
    ;; (define table->keys
    ;;   (lambda (table) (table->list table car)))
    ;; (define table->values
    ;;   (lambda (table) (table->list table cdr)))
    ;;    Useful applications involving two translators:
    ;; (define table->tableq
    ;;   (lambda (table) (list->tableq (table->list table))))
    ;; (define list->uniques
    ;;   (lambda (el) (table->list (list->table (lambda x x)) car)))
    ;; (define table-map
    ;;   (lambda (transformer table)
    ;;     (list->table (table->list table
    ;;				     (lambda (pair)
    ;;				       (transformer (cons (car pair)
    ;;							  (cdr pair))))))))

	*** behavior modifiers: ***

table-enable! table option
table-disable! table option
    "option" should be one of 'auto-shrink, 'store-hash.
    rebuild "table" if the "store-hash" option is toggled.
	NOTE: all table constructors and list->table
    converters return a table with both options ON.

	*** the "Big 3" basic operations: ***

table-insert! table key value
table-lookup table key [not-here]
table-remove! table key [not-here]

	*** unions and consumers: ***

table-add-pair! table pair
    Insert the key-value pair "pair" into table
    "table".  Of course, "pair" must be a pair.
    In particular, pair should be of the form (key . value)

table-add-list! table list [wrapper]
    Could be written as
    ;; (for-each (lambda (elt)
    ;;             (table-add-pair! table (wrapper elt)))
    ;;           list)
    "list" must be a list and "wrapper" should be
    a one argument procedure.  (wrapper list-element)
    must be a pair for all of "list"'s elements.
    "wrapper" defaults to the identity function.
    Return value is unspecified.
    ;;    Useful applications of this method include:
    ;; (define table-add-table!
    ;;   (lambda (table1 table2)
    ;;		 (table-add-list! table1 (table->list table2))))

	*** other stuff: ***

table-size table
    return the number of entries in table "table".

table-clear! table
    remove all entries from table "table".
    return value is unspecified.

table-map pair-transformer table
    return a new dictionary with key-value-pairs
    (pair-transformer key-value-pair)
    The pair arguments given to the transformer
    are [shallow] copies of the key-value pairs in
	"map" and "for-each" are standard fare for functional
    languages.  Think of "table-map" as a procedure object
    oriented method; so the procedure "pair-transformer"
    belongs in front.
    ;;    Useful applications of this method include:
    ;; (define table-copy
    ;;   (let ((id (lambda (x) x)))
    ;;     (lambda (table) (table-map id table))))
    ;; (define table-invert
    ;;   (let ((inv (lambda (pair) (cons (cdr pair) (car pair)))))
    ;;     (lambda (table) (table-map inv table))))

table-for-each procedure table
    apply "procedure", a procedure of two arguments, to all of
    "table"'s keys and values  (lambda (key value) (...))
    return value is unspecified. 
	Think of "table-for-each" as a procedure object
    oriented method; so "procedure" belongs in front.

table-stats table
    Return an association list filled with interesting statistics
    and general info about your table "table".

> 	      Jay Glascoe
> 	   original author of
> 	 "The $ICPyramid Scheme"