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Re: Scheme style auto-resizing hashtable (fwd)

Jay Glascoe writes:
> *sigh*, yes I see your point, there's a "list-ref" too.
> but I'm still married to "dictionary-lookup".  "dictionary-ref" just
> doesn't sound right to me.

It might be OK if there are other places that -lookup could be used as 
well.  I don't like -ref either, but I don't think people will come up 
with -lookup by guessing (and they would come up with -ref).  If
-lookup can become a convention, then it would be better.

> > ...
> > > 	dictionary-map
> > > 	dictionary-foreach
> > 
> > dictionary-map-pair, dictionary-foreach-pair.  Or
> > dictionary-map-value, dictionary-foreach-value.  I'd vote for mapping
> > to values as being the default (i.e., dictionary-map maps the values).
> possibly.  "dictionary-map-value" would of course be a simple application
> of "dictionary-map":
> (define dictionary-map-value
>   (lambda (value-proc dictionary)
>     (let ((pair-proc (lambda (pair) (value-proc (cdr pair)))))
>       (dictionary-map pair-proc dictionary))))
> I guess "dictionary-map-value" would be very useful to potential users. 
> But at some point we need to decide where to draw the line between
> often-used procedures that should be defined in the extension and
> lesser-used procedures that users should write for themselves.  It's
> probably best not to try to anticipate every possible procedure that a
> user may ever want. 

I think we have different notions of what dictionary-map should do.
IMHO it should return a dictionary.  Just like map is a function that
transforms one list into another, dictionary-map should transform one
dictionary into another.

The keys aren't naturally a part of the transformation.  Just like map
preserves order, dictionary-map should preserve the organization of
the dictionary, i.e., (dictionary-map - some-dictionary) should return 
a copy of some-dictionary where all the values are negated.

I'm not sure what your notion of dictionary-map should be called.
dictionary-map-pairs-to-list ?  That's a bit wordy.

> dictionary-consume-alist!       -- delete alist while inserting pairs

Isn't it impossible to destroy an alist without doing a set! on the
thing that points to the alist?

> > It might be nice to have a form like:
> > (dictionary '((key1 . value1) (key2 . value2) ...))
> > 
> > Or maybe:
> > (dictionary '(key1 . value1) '(key2 . value2) ...)
> > I don't know which is really better.
> I would prefer to give the user a chance to set up their dictionary the
> way they want it prior to "converting" an alist to a dictionary:
> (define foo (make-dictionaryv))       ;; I'm going to use mostly integers
> (dictionary-disable! foo 'store-hash) ;; and symbols as keys

I really don't understand the -enable!, -disable!, -change-type!

> (dictionary-insert-alist! foo '((color . "blue") (42 . "foo")))

I'm thinking along the lines of the analogous vector and list
functions.  As such, dictionary could probably just look like:

(define (dictionary . initial-values)
  (dictionary-insert-alist! (make-dictionary) initial-values))

It's not necessarily the best-tuned dictionary, but casual uses of
dictionaries don't demand tuning.  And scripting is usually casual.

< Ian Bicking                 |                >
< drawer #419 Earlham College | >
< Richmond, IN 47374          |  (765) 973-2824                     >