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Re: The GIMP! By gum, I forgot all about it!

On Sun, 1 Nov 1998, Keith Wright wrote:

> A macro to make Guile's set! return the assigned value is occasionally
> useful and mostly harmless, but it is not really worthwhile to try
> to emulate SIOD behaviour on undefined variables.

Um, are you aware of the context of this discussion? The point is that I
have to run scripts written for SIOD in guile. No one claimed that SIOD's
behavior is better, or illegal. It is simply incompatible with guile,
which is a problem that needed to be solved.

>   (2) It is pretty easy to take a SIOD script and add a few
>       (define foo #f) expressions to get a script that works
>       in both Guile and SIOD.  If Guile is small, fast, and
>       powerful enough to be attractive in itself, this should
>       be no big problem.

Somehow I doubt you'd want to go through a hundred script-fu scripts and
add those defines there everywhere..

Lauri Alanko