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Re: Dybvig's Guardians etc. (Michael N. Livshin) writes:

> Well, a patch that implements Kent Dybvig's Guardians is attached.
> [...]

I've read your code now.  I think it is very good, but I have some
suggestions for improvements:

1. You are managing the guardians in a doubly linked list.  But isn't
the purpose of a garbage collector to do the storage management for
us?  Here's a suggestion for an alternative implementation which, I
believe, would have simpler logic and be more efficient:

Guardians are smobs with two fields in the malloc: `live' and
`zombies'.  These are ordinary lists, just as in your implementation.
The smob mark function returns the zombies so that the'll be marked
but leaves the `live' list.  If the `live' list is non-null, we put
the guardian in a C array of SCMs, `scm_life_guards', which behaves
similar to `scm_weak_vectors'.  (The int `scm_n_life_guards' is reset
in the beginning of the mark phase and the array is successively
filled during it.)

Just before the sweep we call the function `scm_zombify' which loops
through `scm_life_guards'.  For each guardian we loop through `live'
and move unmarked objects to zombies.  At the same time we 1. call
scm_gc_mark on unmarked objects, 2. set the gc mark on the cons pairs
which we move along with the objects, and, 3. set the gc mark also on
those conses which contain marked objects.

2. I think the name space in Guile is unnecessarily cluttered.  Maybe
you could implement `make-guardian' directly as a primitive, and skip
the other primitives?  `make-guardian' would return a compiled closure
(see `scm_makcclo' and gsubr.c) which, in turn, contains the guardian

3. Please use the same code formatting conventions as (most of) the
Guile code.  This may seem silly but, in fact, makes it much easier
and faster to read the Guile source.  (Our visual parser wants to be
able to make assumptions about the formatting in order to optimize

> 2. Is there a way to implement a `markedp' function (or macro)
> better than I did?

I think so.  Instead of the switch you can test bit 2 of SCM_TYP7 (p).
If it is 0 you do SCM_GCMARKP, otherwise SCM_GC8MARKP.  This is so
simple that you could do it directly in the inner loop through
`live' (for maximum efficiency) if you want.  On the other hand, if we
want to be really neat, we should put `scm_marked_p' in gc.c
