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Re: Finding the top of the stack writes:
> Okay, cool.  Did you try incorporating any of the amazingly grotesque
> hacks from the Boehm GC?

I will try to incorporate something like the Boehm GC's HEURISTIC2
into my test code (as well as the glibc2.1 variable Mark Galassi
mentioned). HEURISTIC1 seems to have the same problems as gh_enter
more or less - it cannot be called from arbitrary depth on the stack
and be expected to work. I think the huge list of platform-specific
magic number constants so fundamentally unmaintainable and ugly that
it should just be ignored. Since environ seems to work on most Unixen
in that list (definitely on all I have tried), there should not be a
problem. If you diagree, I can try to add support for that method too.

> We need a separate strategy for dealing with threads, but that's in
> the future...

Yeah, we'll need multiple stack tops for that, among other things.

 - Maciej