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Re: Automatic stub generation?

Miguel de Icaza <> writes:

>    I am writing a spreadsheet program for the GNOME project and I am
> interesting in making Guile have access to the internals of the
> spreadsheet[1][2]
>    Is there any package that would help me doing the bridge code, or
> should I code those manually?  I remember seeing an announcement for
> such thing. 

As others have already said, there are a number of packages that
smooth out the rough edges of the Guile<->C interface and save you
from writing boiler plate code.  When starting with guile-gtk I used
G-Wrap quite succesfully but now I have effectively written a custom
wrapper gnerator for the specialities of Gtk.

Currently, I'm in the process of formalizing and documenting the
underlying assumptions and mechanism.  The result should be a nice
framework with which you can describe types, functions and constant of
the typical Gtk libraries.  If you can squeeze the interface to the
internals of gnumeric into this framework, you should be able to just
use guile-gtk to generate Guile bindings.

I think the most succesfull route would be to turn all the essentials
of gnumeric into a library with a nice interface.  Then wrap that
interface with guile-gtk by writing the appropriate *.defs file.  If
guile-gtk needs extensions for wrapping gnuemric specific data types,
we can certainly add them.