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Re: Module editing; debugging with gdb

Christian Lynbech <> writes:

> >>>>> "thi" == thi  <> writes:
> thi> ...the external representation of a module is a list...

hmm, after poking around a little, it seems that there are lots of
different entities:

- the module object returned from `make-module' (a fancy obarray)
- external output representation: #<module the-root-module 40180ac8>'
- external input representation: `(module that is mine)'
- the directory object: `#<directory mine 40167768>' (ext rep)
- the interface object: `#<interface readline 4019bcd0>' (ext rep)

`define-module' actually creates (or ensures creation of) two modules,
one referencing the other via its `%module-public-interface', which is
just another module object.  this collection is known also as a
"directory" and displays using "#<directory...>".  directories can be
used wherever a module object can be used; i think of them as module
pairs (the public in front, the private hiding somewhere).  interface
objects are also a form of module.

> In recent snapshots, the external name for the root module is
> `guile-user'. This means that the two expressions:
> 	(set-current-module the-root-module)
> and
> 	(define-module (guile-user))
> should be the same (I haven't tried this though).

well, `the-root-module' is a true module object while `guile-user' is
a directory created by `define-module'.

guile> the-root-module
#<module the-root-module 40180ac8>

guile> (current-module)
#<directory guile-user 40193f68>

guile> (equal? the-root-module (current-module))

guile> (define-module (module that is mine))
#<directory mine 40167768>

guile> (module-uses the-root-module)
(#<interface readline 4019bcd0>)

anyway, as someone said, all of this is changing.
