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Re: difficulty of writing translators

Jim Blandy <> writes:

 > > I don't see exactly what the problem is.  I suppose there are big
 > > problems if you contemplate trying to map elisp fcns to their
 > > corresponding scheme functions, but are there big problems just
 > > implementing an elisp interpreter in scheme?
 > Certainly, I can implement Emacs Lisp in Scheme.  Or I can implement Elisp
 > in C and include it as a module in Guile.  Or whatever.  In that
 > sense, there's no problem reconciling Guile with any language you can
 > imagine.
 > The real issues come up when you want smooth communication between the
 > languages.  The type space of Emacs Lisp and Scheme are so
 > tantalizingly similar (as you noted) that it's horribly tempting to
 > try to make them share data in the obvious way, and call each others'
 > functions in an obvious way.  And since Emacs Lisp is one of the big
 > intended applications of Guile, it makes sense to go to a bit of
 > effort to succumb to that temptation.

Why wouldn't this take the form of a foreign function interface?

Harvey J. Stein
BFM Financial Research