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Re: exit value

| Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 09:35:00 -0800
| From: Anthony Green <>

| The same thing is happening in your first example, except that guile
| isn't decoding the result for you. If you were to call system() from
| C, then you would use the WEXITSTATUS macro to decode the result. On
| your machine, this would shift the result to the right by 8 bits.
| 65280 >> 8 == 255. You need to do this yourself in
| Guile. Unfortunately, this isn't portable.

It's like the value returned from waitpid, so you can use:

(status:exit-val 65280)

The status:exit-val technique comes from scsh.

| As long as Guile is providing 'system', it should provide some support
| for extracting the results properly. Hmmm.. now that I think about it,
| 'system' isn't very schemey, is it? I think we should trash it in
| favour of something that actually returns a decoded exit code, and
| does some kind of appropriate throw otherwise.

It's not very schemey to punt to /bin/sh (system can run pipelines
etc., only under unix I guess).  I wanted to dump system and open-pipe
at one time.  But since they are the only convenient methods available
in guile-core, it seems worth keeping them around.  I guess I'll add
system to the reference manual and see if its error conditions (-1,
127) can be handled correctly.