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Re: (gnome gtk) et al

On Tue, 8 Apr 2003, David Pirotte wrote:

> > I really wonder why so few people seem interested in GTK+ 2.0
> > bindings. I'd love to have Goops-based bindings for 2.0 (OO is really
> > nice, if not necessary ;-) when dealing with widget sets IMO), and
> > could lend a hand from time to time.
> I really really would like to have goops-based any bindings, but Gtk+ 2.0
> would be a must, I backup the idea

I'm interested in gtk+-2.0 (without requiring gnome) bindings also, and
not only becaused I've been asked when some code of mine will build work
with gtk+-2.0/2.2.

Not knowing much about goops yet, what would such bindings look like? I'd
prefer to have somthing that is largely code-compatible with the current
guile-gtk for gtk+-1.2.  Idealy I'd like a single guile+C codebase to be
able to support both gtk+-1.2 and gtk+2.x for some transition period.
It looks like this is reasonably straightforward for pure C uses of gtk+.

Sounds like guile-gobject from gnome is the best way to proceed in this
direction.  Or is there somthing else I should download, test, and try to
help with?


Steve Tell  tell at telltronics dot org 

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