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Re: guile-gtk without dlopen (HP-UX) (fwd)

(sorry -  a previous fragment of this message got away from me
too soon.)

On 8 Nov 1999, Marius Vollmer wrote:

> However, in recent releases of Guile, dynamic-link uses RTLD_GLOBAL by
> default and thus libguiledlopenhelper is not needed at all (on dlopen
> platforms).  You might have to check the HPUX support of Guile if it
> behaves correctly, tho.  You could try to hack gtk/dynlink.scm so that
> it doesn't use the %sgtk-* functions at all.  If this doesn't work, we
> can then see how you can get by without dynamic linking.

I got my program running by hacking a copy of gtk/dynlink.scm,
to remove all of the sgtk/dlopen stuff, and changing 
merge-compiled-code to call the procedures try-using-libtool-name
and link-dynamic-module (found in boot-9.scm) instead of
dlopen-libtool-library and %sgtk-dlinit.

It looked like I wanted to use find-and-link-dynamic-module,
but it doesn't let the caller specify the init function and also looks in
searches for libtool .la files in %load-path.    Instead of adapting one
of the path-searching functions, I just coded in the right directory name
for this test.  FWIW, the hacked dynlink.scm is below.

Looking in %load-path seems pretty bogus, because by default it seems to
contain only directories under $PREFIX/share.  Either I must have to
manually add the right architecture-specific directories to
GUILE_LOAD_PATH, or it should really be looking in the shared library

Somthing isn't quite right about this yet, because this doesn't work with
standalone guile-gtk applications.  I can get "guile-gtk -s
hello-world.scm" to work with my hacked dynlink.scm, but not "guile -s"

$ guile -s ./hello-world.scm
in sgt's hacked dynlink.scm
module-prefix is gtk-1.2
new merge-compiled-code guilegtk-1.2 sgtk_init_gtk_gtk_glue
ERROR: In procedure dynamic-call in expression (dynamic-call initname dynobj):
ERROR: undefined function

I think this may mean that I'm not really managing to load the dynamic
library, but that I can use it if it is already linked in. Part of my
difficulty modifying dynlink.scm is that I don't really understand what
the rest of merge-compiled-code is trying to do - possibly fiddling with
the module system to avoid loading anything twice?  (Still anxiously
waiting some real guile documentation here.)

And while I'm getting tracebacks on errors within my program, I can't
for the life of me get tracebacks from hello-world.scm, despite sprinkling
around the usual incantation: 
	(debug-enable 'backtrace) (read-enable 'positions)

Sorry for rambling on...  I've got a lashup that seems to work, but
haven't helped advance things much in general. This may be good enough for
me for a while.  I'll also try sprinkling (display) statements around the
dynamic-linking stuff in boot-9.scm.

> For the real fix, I think we need to have configure find out whether
> libguiledlopenhelper is needed or not because people might still be
> using old versions of Guile.

But we might as well skip libguiledlopenhelper if HAVE_DLOPEN is false,
since it isn't going to work anyway.

Thanks for the suggestions!

P.S.  The name of the environment variable containing the shared library
path varies, by the way: "libtool --config | grep shlibpath_var" will
yield LD_LIBRARY_PATH on linux and solaris, SHLIB_PATH on HP-UX.

Steve Tell | | | KF4ZPF
Research Associate, Microelectronic Systems Laboratory
Computer Science Department, UNC@Chapel Hill.   W:919-962-1845

;; -*- scheme -*-

(display "in sgt's hacked dynlink.scm\n")

(debug-enable 'debug)
(debug-enable 'backtrace)
(read-enable 'positions)

(define-module (gtk dynlink)
  :use-module (gtk config)
  :use-module (ice-9 regex)
  :use-module (ice-9 debug)

(define (update-registered-modules)
  (set! registered-modules 
	(append! (convert-c-registered-modules #f)
; my attempt at using guile's own dynamic-libary stuff from boot-9.
(define-public (merge-compiled-code init-func libname)
  (let* ((module (current-module))
	 (interface (module-public-interface module))
	 (libnamenolib (make-shared-substring libname 3)))
    ;; make the new primitives visible from within the current module.
    (module-use! module interface) ; XXX - is this safe?
     (lambda ()
       (set-current-module interface)

       (display "new merge-compiled-code ")
       (display libnamenolib)(display " ")(display init-func)(newline)

       (let* ((modname (list 'gtk '%static-initfuncs%
			     (string->symbol init-func)))
	      (modinfo (or-map (lambda (modinfo)
				 (if (equal? (car modinfo) modname)
	      (init-func (if modinfo (cadr modinfo) init-func))

	      (sharlib-full (try-using-libtool-name 
			     "/usr/local/contrib/moderated/lib" libname))

;	      (lib       (if modinfo (caddr modinfo)
;			     (or (link-dynamic-module sharlib-full init-func)
;				 (error "can't open library" libname)))))

; link-dynamic-module never returns anything.
	 (display "sharlibfull is ") (display sharlib-full)(newline)
	 (link-dynamic-module sharlib-full init-func)

;	 (display "lib is ") (display lib)(newline)
	 (display "modinfo is ") (display modinfo)(newline)


(define default-module-prefix 
  (string->symbol (string-append "gtk-" gtkconf-version)))
(define module-prefix #f)

(define-public (gtk-version-set prefix)
  (if (and module-prefix (not (eq? prefix module-prefix)))
      (error "Can't mix" module-prefix 'and prefix)
      (set! module-prefix prefix)))

(define-public (gtk-version-alias suffix)
  (if (not module-prefix)
      (set! module-prefix default-module-prefix))
;  (display "module-prefix is ")(display module-prefix)(newline)
  (let* ((mod-name (list module-prefix suffix))
	 (mod-iface (resolve-interface mod-name)))
    (or mod-iface
	(error "no such module" mod-name))
    (set-module-public-interface! (current-module) mod-iface)))

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