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functions related to the Hurwitz zeta function


I have write within the GSL framework,
some functions related to the Hurwitz zeta function:
first and second derivatives, its logarithm  and its logarithmic derivative.

These functions are needed to fit properly discrete power law distributions [1].

I think that there is a place for them  (along a plfit material) in GSL:
what is the procedure to follow ton bring them in GSL  ?

Best regards,

	author   = {Aaron Clauset and Cosma Rohilla Shalizi and Mark E. J. Newman},
	title    = {Power-Law Distributions in Empirical Data},
	journal  = "SIAM Rev.",
	year     = {2009},
	volume   = {51},
	number   = {4},
	pages    = {661--703},
	numpages = {43},
	archivePrefix = ARXIV,
	eprint   = {0706.1062},
	doi      = {10.1137/070710111},
	website  = {},

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