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Re: Implementing hybrid explicit/implicit ODE stepper

On 06/04/2009 08:40 PM, Rhys Ulerich wrote:

This integrator tends to get used in DNS of Navier-Stokes since the
memory savings become significant for very large fields.

Ok, now I understand a bit more. I don't think the current GSL ode-initval is directly suitable for that kind of specialized problem. The framework does not support separation of f(u) into two components. You would first have to make changes to gsl_odeiv_system to provide that, and then modify all the rest accordingly. Might be doable, I don't know.

Would your application benefit from step size control, or evolution functionality similar to those in ode-initval? If yes, then you might try to start from ode-initval and modify it. Otherwise I suggest you look for how others have designed these kinds of solvers and then create a new framework suitable for this kind of a problem.

Of course, if you end up implementing only that one stepper, you can use code snippets from ode-initval for it.



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