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Re: MISER integration problem

Gianguido Cianci writes:
 > I am trying to use the gsl Monte Carlo integration routines...
 > I hope this is the right place to ask my question!


 > Unfortunately, depending on the value of certain parameter I get the
 > following error when using the MISER routines:
 > gsl: miser.c:115: ERROR: insufficient calls for subvolume
 > Aborted
 > As you can see below, I effectively copied the sample program from the
 > documentation. The error arrises when I change the 3rd line in main() 
 > from :  double xu[2] = { 1000, 1000};
 > to   :  double xu[2] = { 100, 100};

If you still have the problem please send more details of the version
of gsl, the compiler and operating system, and the output of the program. 

It works ok for me with gsl-1.3, g++-2.95.4 on Debian GNU/Linux 3.0
(see below)

best regards,
Brian Gough

# xu=1000,1000
g++ -I /opt/gsl-1.3/include/ -L /opt/gsl-1.3/lib/ -Wall misertest.c -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm
bjg|debian> ./a.out 

plain ================
result = 9.561383747540e-02
sigma = 6.479803734009e-02
exact = 7.853981633974e-01
error = -6.897843259220e-01 = 1.064514226414e+01 sigma

miser ================
result = 7.857323107284e-01
sigma = 4.787702264195e-04
exact = 7.853981633974e-01
error = 3.341473309545e-04 = 6.979283850907e-01 sigma

# xu=100,100

g++ -I /opt/gsl-1.3/include/ -L /opt/gsl-1.3/lib/ -Wall misertest.c -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm
bjg|debian> ./a.out 

plain ================
result = 8.385780341457e-01
sigma = 9.143693609463e-02
exact = 7.853981633974e-01
error = 5.317987074825e-02 = 5.816016264283e-01 sigma

miser ================
result = 7.852074563627e-01
sigma = 2.643511719834e-04
exact = 7.853981633974e-01
error = -1.907070347147e-04 = 7.214155068192e-01 sigma

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