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Statistical tests


  I am not writing for reporting a bug, but for
  asking a question: I have looked through the various
  GSL functions but I haven't found any function
  related to statistical tests, that is to determine
  the probability that a distribution (histogram) is
  coming from a certain distribution (which could be  
  an analytical function, or another histogram).
  Examples of such tests are:
   --- Kolmogorov-Smirnov test;
   --- Smirnov-Cramer-von Mises test;
   --- Anderson-Darling test.

  Am I right, or these functions are already provided
  in GSL? If not, as I think, is it planned to have 
  them in future extensions, and if this is the case
  when more or less?

            Best regards,
                           Alberto Ribon.

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