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Re: GSL 0.9 Fails in test with VC++ 6.0

Brian Gough wrote:

> Jose Miguel Buenaposada Biencinto writes:
>  >  Here we are trying to build a functional library of GSL 0.9 with
>  > Visual C++ 6.0.
>  >  When we build it in debug configuration there is no errors at all
>  > in the test cases, but when we build the release versions of the
>  > libraries and the test programs we get 28 failures (See below). It
>  > seems to be related with the optimisation flags ("maximizate speed"
>  > choosen, /O2 flag) because if we build all, in the release
>  > configuration, but changing the optimization to "default" then we
>  > get 0 errors.
> I have checked in for the first two problems (integration and
> multifit).
> Could you try the following patch and let me know if it works for the
> specfunc tests. Thanks.

Ok, I have checked out current gsl version from cvs and applied the
patch (increasing the tolerances in some places of test_legendre.c)
that you sent, by hand.

When I compile the whole thing (libs and test programs) with the
"Maximize speed" optimisation option (/O2 flag) the only errors I get
now are:

FAIL: gsl_isnan(nan) (0 observed vs 1 expected)
FAIL: gsl_finite(nan) (1 observed vs 0 expected)

So only the difficult problems remains ...

I can not try it today and I'm going to go out for three months so, maybe
somebody else can debug it.


Jose Miguel Buenaposada Biencinto
Facultad de Informática                  | Computer Science School
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid  (UPM) | Madrid Tech. University.
Campus de Montegancedo s/n
28660 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid (ESPAÑA)| (SPAIN)
Voice    +34 91 336 69 47
Fax      +34 91 352 48 19
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