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Re: gdb on macOS 10.12 "Sierra"

Jack Howarth wrote:

> It has been reported that the hardened security in Sierra requires the
> additional step of executing
>    csrutil enable --without debug
> from within the Terminal application when booted under the Recovery Partition.
> I don't have access to a machine that can run Sierra to verify it though.

Yes, someone else on the gdb list also answered that when I asked my
original question. However, that does not explain why that is not
necessary for a self-built and custom-codesigned lldb/debugserver, as I
wrote below:

>> I've now tried building lldb, and regardless of whether I use the GDB or
>> LLDB-style codesigning certificate to sign debugserver (lldb itself does
>> not need codesigning), it works. So it seems like the problem is not
>> necessarily related to codesigning per se.


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