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Re: How step over a ass call command?

On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 2:12 AM, Peng Yu <> wrote:
> Suppose that I use gdb with a binary file with source stripped.
>    0x1ea7 <main+45>:    mov    %eax,(%esp)
>    0x1eaa <main+48>:    call   0x1f14
>    0x1eaf <main+53>:    mov    0x1180(%ebx),%ecx
> Suppose that pc is at 0x1ea7 and I want to step 2 instructions to
> 0x1eaf and without stopping inside call 0x1f14. "stepi" does not seem
> to work in this case (my guess is that it only works with source code
> for skipping function calls, but not at the assembly level.)
> Does anybody know what is the best way to get to the line 0x1eaf? (I
> could set a breakpoint at 0x1eaf, but I found this is too cumbersome.)

Try nexti, which is defined as
    Execute one machine instruction, but if it is a function call, proceed
    until the function returns

-- Max

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