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Re: [GDB Wiki] Add editor privilege control

> Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 07:07:59 +0400
> From: Joel Brobecker <>
> I'd like to protect our wiki from spammers who regularly use it
> for their own purposes by adding read,write,delete,revert privileges
> to only known members of the GDB community. The model I'd like
> to follow is the model used in the GDB Wiki. See:
> The idea is that we start with a list of people who are allowed
> to edit. If anyone who's a legitimate contributor wants to edit
> the wiki as well, one of the users already in the group simply adds
> their name to the list.

Why does it make sense to have a wiki that doesn't behave like a wiki,
i.e. is not a community-provided content?  IOW, how is what you
propose different from having this stuff on the GDB project web pages,
which are editable by only a few select people?

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