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Re: [Mingw, GDB MI] console redirect question

On 2012-4-23 9:04, asmwarrior wrote:
I'm using GDB MI interface to debug Codeblocks.(Debug Codeblocks under Codeblocks)
Windows XP, GDB CVS build under MinGW GCC 4.6.x.
I experience a problem that the debuggee Codeblocks's log message was show in the GDB MI's log.
This is quite annoying, because the debuggee has many custom log messages mixed with normal GDB MI message.

When I run the command "info terminal", it returned: "This GDB does not control a terminal.\n"
So, It looks like gdb does not redirect any terminal.

BTW: I do not have such problem when I use GDB CLI interface to debug Codeblocks.

Anyone has experience the same problem?

I would like the debuggee's own log message goes to its own log window.
(Codeblocks has its own log window, a wxWidgets window to show messages)


Yuanhui Zhang
Code::blocks developer

It looks like this is not the problem of GDB, I just found that I forget to put some program start-up arguments, so by default, the debuggee's log message was going to the console, which is the GDB console.

By passing some arguments, the debuggee's log message will shown in its own window.

Sorry about the noise.

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