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Re: [mingw] gdb eat a lot of memory and slowly when start an inferior

ä 2012/1/27 18:58, asmwarrior åé:
I have two version of gdb build under mingw. One is build from gdb cvs 2012-01-19, and the other is from gdb cvs 2012-01-27.

The former one works OK, when I debug Codeblocks, the start the inferior(Codeblocks with many plugin dlls) time is about 30 seconds, and gdb eat about 130M memory when the inferior start-up(I can see it from Windows task manager).

The later one works badly, it takes more than 90 seconds to start the inferior, and gdb eat about 500+M memory.

I guess that the total debug information of all the Codeblocks.exe and many dlls were loaded to memory in the second case.

Any one can give a direction? I guess the commits between 2012-01-19 and 2012-01-27 cause this issue. Mostly the handling shared library patches?
You can try gdb without python to check if it is related with python modules?


ollydbg from codeblocks' forum

Best Regards,

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