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Re: GIT and CVS

On Fri, 14 Oct 2011 16:25:49 +0200, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
> It is indeed one of my problems with git that I'm never sure what will
> happen if I omit certain arguments that are supposed to be the
> default.  But I always thought that was because I don't use git
> enough.  However, if people like you, who do it all the time, are
> still uncertain, then I guess it is something to consider when
> selecting a VCS.

This all comes from that GIT has between the commit state and workdir state
also index state.  I do not use the index so by "HEAD" I ignore the index
state and shortcut the workdir<->commit path.  Different usage scenarios may
benefit from the index, TIAOMWTDI.

> > > and I have to commit half-finished work,
> > 
> > You don't have to.
> You mean, you can pull or merge when you have uncommitted changes?

They are stashed.  But in fact stashes are just a different namespace of


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