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Re: automated cast to different data type possible?

André Pönitz wrote:

> Assuming that I understood the task correctly it can be done with 
> gdb python scripting nevertheless.
> Given
>     struct KRBase
>    {
>       enum Type { TYPE_A, TYPE_B } type;
>       KRBase(Type _type) : type(_type) {}
>    };
>    struct KRA : KRBase { int x, y; KRA() : KRBase(TYPE_A), x(1), y(32) {} };
>    struct KRB : KRBase { KRB() : KRBase(TYPE_B) {}  };
>    void testKR()
>    {
>       KRBase *ptr1 = new KRA;
>       KRBase *ptr2 = new KRB;
>       break_here();
>   }
> creating a display of 
> 	ptr1	 @0x809a9d0	KRA
> 		KRBase		KRA
> 		x	1	int
> 		y	32	int
> 	ptr2	 @0x809a9e0	KRB
> 		KRBase		KRB
> takes three lines of python code:
>    def qdump__KRBase(d, item):
>        base = ["KRA", "KRB"][int(item.value["type"])]
>        d.putItem(Item(item.value.cast(lookupType(base)), item.iname))
> [using, admittedly, the *cough* "other" approach to pretty printing]


please give me an idea who is calling qdump_KRBase and what is parameter
d? I actually have no idea how to add that to the printer script... or
maybe any other python script to gdb.


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