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Re: UTF-8 not working for MI?

>>>>> "Marc" == Marc Khouzam <> writes:

Tom> It is an oddity that currently an MI consumer must check gdb's host
Tom> charset in order to know how to decode its output.  I would recommend
Tom> that the client force it to be UTF-8, but I think this 
Tom> currently may not work with PHONY_ICONV.

Marc> Thanks for taking the time!
Marc> I'm not sure how PHONY_ICONV works, but I'm guessing you meant
Marc> that it may cause trouble when GDB is used from Eclipse.

Yes, the problem is that the charset machinery in gdb is host-dependent,
and hosts using the PHONY_ICONV code can't use UTF-8.

Marc> I just tried using "set print sevenbit-strings off" in Eclipse
Marc> I can see the proper UTF-8 characters returned by GDB.  So it seems
Marc> like a good solution.

Marc> I'd like to use this solution but I'm concerned at why MI conciously
Marc> uses sevenbit-strings?  Maybe there is a reason behind it and I'm going
Marc> to shoot myself in the foot by ignoring it?

I don't know the reason for this decision.  It is in the grammar,
though, so it seems safest to just follow it.


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