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UndoDB's performance

On UndoDb’s website, I saw the following ad.

Regular gdb-7 reverse runs apps 40,000x slower
UndoDB+gdb-7 reverse runs apps 1.7x slower!

In my experiment, gdb-7 reverse does run apps more than 20,000x
slower. How does UndoDB improve the performance so much without a
simulator and without record? Below is its self-introduction on the
website. UndoDB's "snapshot-and-replay" technique stores periodic
copy-on-write snapshots of the application and only non-deterministic
inputs (system calls, thread-switches, shared memory reads, etc).

Are there any obvious disadvantages in UndoDB? I tried to search
UndoDB in the archive of the mailing list, however, little discussion
is found.

Best Regards,
Sean Chen

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