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Re: GDB frontends, MI-speak and object notation

On Thursday 28 May 2009 15:31:42 Marc Khouzam wrote:
> > I wonder how other front-end developers handle GDB/MI output messages.
> > In the code I'm working on, regular expressions are used to parse MI
> > messages and extract certain values from them. This is pretty
> > straightforward to write, but doesn't seem to fully use the
> > <structuredness> of MI-speak, and lacks the spirit of MI. I'm 
> > reviewing
> > means of mapping MI (which seems to be a subset of JSON with a few
> > cosmetic differences and exceptions) to object-like 
> > structures so I can
> > work with it on a higher level. Has anyone had similar ideas?
> Yes, in Eclipse we parse the MI output into a hierarchy of classes
> following the MI specification.  I agree with you that using
> regular expression is loosing the value of MI.

Same for Qt Creator. And I also think that regular expressions
is not a good long-term solution.


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